Friday, October 23, 2015


"The mayor called, you should go home," the nurse said, "and the doctor can see you now, down the hall on your left," she continued.

"You've got a broken ankle," looking at the x-ray, not even looking up when I walked in the office, "rather nasty and complex," he added, hesitation, then stuttering, staring at my feet, "or not."

"Your wife, in her third month ... everything seems okay, the baby has no apparent injuries."  I smile nervously, as I was the cause of the car accident, not knowing how she would take my stupidity. Stubbornness actually, not able to stop when provoked.

Ferociousness kills when unleashed, but makes progress when reasoning fails. Thus, timing becomes of the utmost importance, a skill I have not mastered yet, apparently, honey. She got dressed, we checked out. I wonder where the rednecks remained, nurse naively staring at me, not being able to remember anyone else checking in last night.  

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